Category Archives: Childrens’ author

Interview with Annette Whipple about her new book, Quirky Critters, 52 Wild Wonders for Kids

Molly and I are thrilled to welcome Annette Whipple back to our blog. Annette is the author of a number of excellent nonfiction books for children. She loves to research and find facts that captivate children, and I use several of her Truth About books in my elementary art classes.

Annette has a new book out that combines her love of nature and her Christian faith, and Molly and I think you’ll love Quirky Critters, 52 Wild Wonders for Kids, published by Tyndale!

Kathy and Molly: We’ve been reading your new book, Quirky Critters, and we love all the interesting information. Would you tell us a little about how you came to write it?

Annette: I actually transformed one idea multiple times to come up with Quirky Critter Devotions: 52 Wild Wonders for Kids! These weren’t just major revisions. Instead one idea prompted a different idea over eight years! I wrote a detailed blog post about the process here.

Kathy and Molly: Isn’t is amazing how our ideas can transform! Do you have any favorite quirky critters?

Annette: I really struggle to say just one favorite quirky critter! However, I’ve always loved fireflies and owls. But the more I learn about an animal, the more I appreciate it! I had the hardest time limiting the devotional to only 52 animals.

Kathy and Molly: Owls are sooo amazing, and I know you love frogs, too! It must have been hard to choose just 52 critters, but we like the ones you chose. We also love that each critter can teach us something about our awesome God. Do you have one or two suggestions for how readers can really focus in on the biblical message?

Annette: The devotions have lots of animal facts and a faith connection. I do hope readers will take advantage of the faith-related journal entries as well as the printable Quirky Critter Questions cards that have additional questions—one about the animals and one that’s personal for each of the animals. In addition to the Bible verses included in the devotions, I hope readers will spend time reading the Bible, too. That’s the very best way to connect with God! The question cards are found at

Kathy and Molly: You’re so right—reading the Bible is definitely the best way to connect with God! The Question cards look wonderful! Molly wants to try every activity. If families are reading these devotions together, how can they make it a fun family time?

Annette: I’ve heard of many families completing Quirky Critter Devotions together! Many read the main devotion as a family, as well as the Wild Wonder, verse, and prayer. I know one family who purchased individual copies for the children because each of the children were so passionate about animals. Some discuss the journaling portion while others write some ideas as a family. Many activities are great family activities! I’d suggest one person review the activity in advance and make a plan to include everyone.

Kathy and Molly: Those are terrific ideas! Would you tell readers where they can find their very own copies of Quirky Critters and about the downloadable Question Cards?

Annette: All of my books are available wherever books are sold! Just ask your local bookstore for the book of your choice, like Quirky Critter Devotions: 52 Wild Wonders for Kids. They’re also available online!]

You can even take a peek at my next book! Chomp! The Truth About Sharks is now available for pre-order, too!

The downloadable Quirky Critter Question Cards are absolutely free—no email needed! Print them at

I’m so grateful to hear you’re enjoying my first faith-based book! I had a ton of fun researching and writing Quirky Critter Devotions: 52 Wild Wonders for Kids!

Kathy and Molly: Thank you so much, Laura, for telling us and our readers about Quirky Critters! Molly and I think it’ll be a great book for summertime fun and for building children’s faith!

Picture of Molly the Artsy Corgi investigating a Quirky Critter–a painted lady butterfly. And here’s a student art project based on Annette’s book, Whoo Knew, The Truth about Owls.

Before You Go

If you’d like more activity ideas for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free guide, 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, You’ll also get a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit.

Visit Molly’s and my website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages and coloring pages for kids and an updated list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.


My Tender Heart Prayer Book by Laura Sassi, author interview

Molly the artsy corgi and I are delighted to welcome Laura Sassi and Sophie back to our blog to tell us all about their latest board book, My Tender Heart Prayer Book. This joyful and colorful book is the second in their Tender Heart series, and it will encourage your little ones to see God and talk to Him in prayer in every part of their day

So let’s welcome Laura and her little cockapoo, Sophie, who helps by listening carefully when Laura reads rhymes she’s working on to her!

Laura Sassi and her writing companion, Sophie

Laura, tell us a little about your childhood years.

We moved around quite a bit when I was a child. My earliest memories are from when we lived in Mexico (ages 3 – 5).  Next we lived in Minnesota (ages 5 – 7), followed by France (ages 8 – 12). Wherever we lived, books were my constant companion. First, I was read to by my parents. Later, I read on my own. I also loved using my imagination to transform blocks, dolls, toy cars, and even nature into fantastical play worlds.  All these were seeds to my lifelong love of reading and playing with words.

Wow, you’ve lived in many interesting places. What were some of your favorite books when you were young?

Here’s an assortment of favorites from my pre-elementary school years:

  • When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne
  • The Duchess Bakes a Cake by Virginia Kahl
  • Blueberries for Sal and Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
  • The Travels of Babar and other Babar stories by Laurent de Brunhoff
  • Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans

Those are such wonderful books. Blueberries for Sal is still on my shelves! Were you always a fan of rhyming books?

Yes, even as a young child, I loved the rhythm and sound patterns found in rhyming books. In fact, my earliest favorite book memory is of sitting in my mother’s lap while she read to me from A.A. Milne’s When We Were Very Young. I memorized many of his poems, quite by accident, because I asked my mother to read them to me so often. I’ve carried a love for rhyming beats with me ever since.

That’s a sweet memory of your mom reading those poems to you, and now you are giving that special gift to many other children with your rhyming books! What’s one thing about you that some may not know?

Hmmm…let’s see. Even though I haven’t lived in France for years, I love the French language. Not only is it beautiful sounding, it lends itself to rhyme far better than English because so many of the ending sounds are silent! This is beautifully demonstrated in French music and so, in a joyful effort to keep up my French language skills, I like to listen to my favorite French singers and sing along while I do the dishes!

What a fun way to keep up your French skills! This is your second book in your Tender Heart series. Molly, the artsy corgi, and I loved your first one, My Tender Heart Bible. How did you come up with the idea for this series and for this book about prayer? 

A year and a half ago, I had an idea for a Bible story collection that would point littlest ones to God—using rhyme, illustration, and “heart moments” of reflection and response. My publisher, Paraclete Press loved the idea, but asked if I would be willing to write a prayer book as well. I loved the idea and immediately set to work writing prayers to take a small child through the day and foster conversations with God.

And what a great idea it was! How did you choose which times to include?

Knowing that I wanted the prayers to span the time frame of a day—through the lens of a child’s eye—I tapped into memories of my own children’s preschool years and came up with a list of fun, age-appropriate prayer moments. Some are moments one might expect, like before mealtime and at bedtime.

But I also worked hard to come up with other, more unexpected times for prayer such as when you are going on an errand or playing sports.  As I wrote, I made sure each prayer was short and easy for a young child to memorize. I also paired the prayers with thematic Bible verses, so that little ones would have an opportunity to connect with God through Scripture.

Molly and I love that the moments with God and the prayers in My Tender Heart Prayer Book take children through their day from morning wakeup and drive time to “scrubba dubba” tub time and nighttime tuck-in.

And the illustrations by Sandra Eide are so colorful and filled with things children will enjoy finding as the book is read to them. Do you have a favorite spread and why?

I love all her illustrations, but I think my favorite is the “Counting Wonders Prayer” spread. That prayer is a counting prayer and I just love the way Sandra creatively incorporated all the things that are counted in a fun outdoor setting. It’s one of the spreads I’m enlarging to poster size to bring with me to church and preschool visits!

That was one of our favorites, too. What do you hope children will take away from My Tender Heart Prayer Book?

I wrote this book for children and their caregivers as a reminder, or maybe as a first introduction, to the good news that God loves us and longs to be in conversation with us through the ups and downs and ins and outs of our daily lives. I hope each prayer is read, prayed, enjoyed, and most importantly, that it sparks daily spontaneous conversation with God.

We pray My Tender Heart Prayer Book will do just that! Before you go, Molly, the artsy corgi, wanted to give a hello woof to Sophie and ask her a couple questions:

Molly: Sophie, I love all the animals I found in My Tender Heart Prayer Book, but my special favorites are the dogs! Are they yours, too? I also counted up how many I found. How many have you seen?

Sophie: Woof, woof! I love the spreads with dogs as well. I counted seven. And I think I know why there are so many! It’s because illustrator Sandra Eide loves dogs too – just like our Kathy and Laura do!

Molly: I can’t decide which place I like best in the story—the meadow, the beach, or maybe curled up on the bed with my best friend as she reads her Bible. Do you have a favorite place in the story, Sophie?

Sophie: I like all those places, but my favorite in the book (and here at my house, too) is curled up on the bed at bedtime listening to my best buddy read from the Bible. It’s just soooo snuggly!

Molly:  Woof, I think you’re right, Sophie!  Here are some pictures Laura and Kathy took of us with your new book, My Tender Heart Prayer Book. I think you’ll like them!

Thank you, Laura and Sophie for visiting Molly and me and telling us about your very special new board book!

Laura, one last question: where can our readers find your books?

My books are available wherever books are sold. And if you want to learn more about My Tender Heart Prayer Book or My Tender Heart Bible, including downloading the free activity kit which Paraclete and I designed to provide even more ways to plant seeds of prayer, go to 

I know a special little guy who Molly and I plan to give My Tender Heart Prayer Book to this Christmas! We know he’ll enjoy it.

Before You Go

If you like to write for children or just want to find out more about chapter books from Marianne Hering, the author of Focus on the Family’s Imagination Station series, find all the information at this link to the Write2Ignite website. Marianne will be teaching a virtual workshop on September 23, hosted by Write2Ignite.

In my August post for Write2Ignite, a website with resources for Christian children’s writers, I’ve summarized the final 3 areas in which we busy modern people may be in need of rest,–sensory, creatively, and spiritually, according to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s book, Sacred Rest. As in the first post, Molly the corgi has provided the illustrations. The post is Writers Need Rest to Maintain Their Creativity, Part 2. Here’s one of those illustrations. Can you guess which of those 3 areas Molly is illustrating?

If you’d like more activity ideas for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, click on the signup button for Molly’s and my newsletter and receive a free guide, 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development. You’ll also get a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit.

And visit our website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages and coloring pages for kids as well as a list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.




Little Mole Gives Thanks by Glenys Nellist, Author Interview and Giveaway

A new Little Mole book that’s perfect for Fall and Thanksgiving has just come out. Molly the artsy corgi and I are excited to welcome its author, Glenys Nellist, and Little Mole back to our blog to tell you all about it and give you the opportunity to win a free copy!

If you read our posts you know the Little Mole picture books are adorable and have stories and sweet messages young children love

Let’s Welcome Glenys and Little Mole!

Glenys, would you share with our readers a little about your childhood and did you grow up near a forest?

That’s a great question to begin with, Kathy! No! I did not grow up near a forest! I was born and raised in the industrial part of the north of England, where forests are few and far between. However, my parents, especially my dad, loved the great outdoors and he would often take us on lovely, long walks along the canal bank or in the woods.

Those long walks with your dad sound lovely. Did you have any pets?

I am one of eight children, and so my hard-working mum had no time for pets! However, we are now the owners of a huge, tailless cat called Jackie.

I love how you said “mum.” I grew up in Maine, and that’s what we say, too. Little Mole is such a sweet little character, and this is your 4th book about him. What do you enjoy about writing about Little Mole?

It’s just fun to watch him as he grows and try to imagine the kind of adventures he might have!

Molly and I like that, too. And we think many children will identify with how disappointed Little Mole feels at first in Little Mole Gives Thanks. How do you stay connected with little ones so you can write about the things that are important to them?

Well firstly, I’m very lucky to be a grandma of four children, whose worlds I get to share, and secondly, since I’ve always had a love for children’s ministry, I try to stay connected with the little ones at my church.

Molly and I love story time with grandchildren, and it’s fun to look at illustrations with them. What is your favorite illustration?

Hands down…the page where PRINCIPAL PORCUPINE appears! I mean.. who couldn’t love a porcupine in pearls and a kilt? (Sally Garland, the illustrator, is Scottish, so I’m sure she had fun coming up with her outfit!)

We loved those pearls and the kilt, too. Sally Garland creates such engaging illustrations! Glenys, tell us a little about the fun activities in the back of Little Mole Gives Thanks.

Since I was a teacher in England, I love to offer additional educational material in the back of the Little Mole books, or fun activities for families or classes to do together. Since this story is all about Little Mole planning a fancy fall feast, it seemed natural to offer ideas of how children might plan their own fancy fall feast. Many of those ideas are expanded on in the Free Downloadable Activity Pack to accompany the book, including templates for invitations, place mats and recipes!

Children will love these and thank you for the link to even more ideas. What do you hope children will take away from Little Mole Gives Thanks?

I hope children might be reminded about the truly important people in their lives — their families and their friends. And, if any little readers did decide to plan their own fall feast, how fun that would be!

Glenys, Molly and I are so glad Little Mole had a special forest feast after all. Can you tell us if there’s another Little Mole book coming?

Well I really hope so… but I can’t say anything yet!

Molly Talks with Little Mole

Molly:  Little Mole, where did you learn to set such a pretty table for guests?

Little Mole:  My Mama! She taught me how to smooth the tablecloth, helped me make placemats and showed me where to put spoons and cups for everyone.

Molly:  What is your favorite food from all those yummy dishes you made?

Little Mole:  Oh, it is SO hard to choose! But I have to say that my mushroom soup is delightful! Have you ever tried it? If not, you’ll have to visit me one day and I’ll be glad to make it for you!

Molly:  Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I love all the colors of the leaves and scuffling through them as they begin to fall. Which is your favorite season, Little Mole, and why?

Little Mole:  My favorite season is spring, because that’s when it starts to get warmer after the winter and my nose doesn’t get cold when I leave my burrow. It’s also the time when all the lovely new life, such as tulip bulbs and buds on trees can be found hiding in the dark, just like I discovered in my first book, Little Mole Finds Hope!

Molly:  In Little Mole Gives Thanks, you were disappointed at first. How did your friends comfort and help you?

Little Mole:  Oh, weren’t they the best! I was so disappointed when Principal Porcupine and the other important guests couldn’t come to my feast, but Little Squirrel and Little Mouse and Little Lark ran and hugged me and made me feel better. That’s when I realized that my friends are the most important people in my life (and Mama, of course!) I hope you have good friends like that too, Molly!

Molly: Thank you for talking with me, Little Mole. I hope sometime I can visit and try your mushroom soup!

Glenys, now that Molly and Little Mole have had a good chat I know our readers would love to know where they can purchase Little Mole Gives Thanks, as well as all your wonderful books for children.

They can visit my website at Glenys Nellist or find my titles wherever good books are sold. Thank you so much, Kathy!

Thank you, Glenys and Little Mole for sharing about your newest book.

Enter the Giveaway

Here’s Molly with a copy of Little Mole Gives Thanks to give away. To enter the contest to win a free copy just comment on this post by September 16th. (Contest is open to those with a continental United States postal address).

3 More Opportunities

  1. If you like to write for children or just want to find out more about chapter books from Marianne Hering, the author of Focus on the Family’s Imagination Station series, find all the information at this link to the Write2Ignite website. Marianne will be teaching a virtual workshop on September 23, hosted by Write2Ignite.
  2. In my August post for Write2Ignite, a website with resources for Christian children’s writers, I’ve summarized the final 3 areas in which we busy modern people may be in need of rest,–sensory, creativity, and spiritually, according to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s book, Sacred Rest. As in the first post, Molly the corgi has provided the illustrations. The post is Writers Need Rest to Maintain Their Creativity, Part 2. Here’s one of those illustrations. Can you guess which of those 3 areas she’s illustrating?
  3. If you’d like more activity ideas for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, click on the signup button for Molly’s and my newsletter and receive a free guide, 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, You’ll also get a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit. And visit our website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages and coloring pages for kids as well as a list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.


Laura Sassi Tells Us about Her Newest Children’s Book My Tender Heart Bible

Molly and I are thrilled to welcome children’s author, Laura Sassi back to our blog. We’ve loved Laura’s previous books and are excited to help tell you about her newest—My Tender Heart Bible.

Kathy:  For those who may be new to this blog, would you tell us a little about yourself and My Tender Heart Bible.

Laura:  Thank you for having me on your blog, Kathy.

Laura Sassi and her writing companion, Sophie

I am a former teacher who is now blessed to be able to spend my days writing books, poems and other pieces that offer messages of hope and joy for little ones and the grown ups who love them. Over the years, I’ve discovered that I have a special passion for telling stories in rhyme, so eight of my nine books for children are rhyming.

My very first book, Goodnight, Ark, came out in 2014. It was followed by Goodnight, Manger, Love is Kind (the only one that doesn’t rhyme), Diva Delores and the Opera House Mouse, Little Ewe, Bunny Finds Easter, Happy Birthday Christmas Child, and, just out, My Tender Heart Bible. The ninth, My Tender Heart Prayer Book will release in Fall 2023.

Kathy:  Congratulations on all these sweet books! Little Ewe was the first book of yours I read, and I fell in love with the little lamb who went off on her own and became lost and afraid. I knew children would identify with Little Ewe and cheer when the Good Shepherd rescued her. I’ve since shared the hope and joy of many of your books with little ones in my family and at school!

Would you tell us how My Tender Heart Bible is different from your other books?

Laura:  My Tender Heart Bible is very different from my first seven books because it’s not a picture book story or even a board book story. Yes, the format is board book, but the content is 12 of my favorite Bible stories rendered in poetic rhyme. Each retelling is accompanied by a Bible citation, a beautiful illustration by Sandra Eide, and a Heart Moment of prayer. The book is inspired by memories of sitting with my own children when they were little to read or re-tell Bible stories so they could grasp just how much God loved them.

Kathy:  You chose 12 wonderful Bible stories to retell in rhyme, and I especially like the Heart Moment of prayer. Did you have certain themes in mind as you chose these 12?

Laura:  I prayed over which stories to include because I really wanted them to fit together as a collection so that individually, and as a whole, they would show God’s redemptive love. Other themes threaded throughout include that God is good and that He keeps His promises. I also wanted stories about God’s beloved who were both girls and boys, men and women. That’s how I decided upon Esther’s story, for example.

And I wanted six from the Old Testament and six from the New Testament so that the book would be balanced in that way and could be used as an introduction for littlest ones to the whole Bible. And, of course, I had to finish with the story of Jesus’ glorious resurrection!

Kathy:  I’m so glad you finished with Jesus’ resurrection! Little ones will love listening to the rhyme and rhythm of each story. And we know that rhyme helps children remember and hold these words about God in their hearts.

I love your rhyme that creates such beautiful pictures! Some of our readers may have older children, too. Do you have any hints for those who might want to write poetry?

Laura:  Poetry, especially rhyming poetry, is harder than it might first appear because it’s not just about good rhyme. It’s also about meter and keeping a consistent beat throughout a piece. But if you love playing with words and have a passion for rhyme, I suggest beginning by writing something just for the pleasure of it and seeing where it takes you.

Once you have a rough draft, go back and test it for meter. See if the established beat is consistent. If it isn’t fix it. Check also to see that the rhyme pairs you are choosing are fresh and fun. Using a rhyming dictionary helps immensely with this.

To grow as a poet, it’s also important to immerse yourself in poetry so I suggest going to the library and checking out and reading as many children’s poetry books and rhyming picture books as you can. If your readers are interested in learning more, here’s a post with tips I wrote several years ago:

Kathy:  Great ideas, Laura! I know these and your post will be very helpful to children and adults who may be interested in writing poetry.

The illustrations by Sandra Eide are colorful and have lots of children for readers to identify with. Molly and I also enjoyed finding different animals from creation in each illustration. We think children will enjoy that, too. Do you have any favorite illustrations?

Laura:  Warmth, love, and charming detail emanate from each of Sandra’s illustrations. Pictured below is one I especially like because it really captures Jesus’s love for the little children. I actually had this spread enlarged to poster size so that little ones at events can come up and point to various elements.

I love the diverse depiction of the children as well as their joyous expressions. I also love the soft, warm color palette Sandra has chosen for this spread and throughout. And little ones, I have noticed, love Sandra’s inclusion of a dog! That’s just one example of the wonderful extra details she has included throughout the book.

Kathy:  Molly really loves that dog and is sure Sophie does, too!

Every page of My Tender Heart Bible, presents children with so much to hear and see and think about. How can caregivers help children slow down to appreciate each of its delightful layers of thoughtfully-chosen Bible stories and prayers, lyrical rhyme and rhythm, and colorful illustrations with so much to see?

Laura:  Here are few ideas to help caregivers and their little ones get the most out of each spread.

  1. Before reading each story, take a moment to ponder the title and the illustrations. Using just those clues, can they guess what the story might be about? Do they recognize anyone or anything?
  2. Next, take a moment to note the Bible citation. Maybe even open your own Bible to that part and have it there alongside you as you read the story so that little readers make the connection that the story comes from God’s word.
  3. As you read, pause to think about each part of the story. Maybe see if your children can spot the action that is being described in words somewhere in the illustrations. Don’t rush. Instead, encourage your children to explore the illustrations, listen to the words, and ask questions.
  4. After reading, reflect together on the retelling as a whole. What was their favorite part? Did they learn something new about God? What?
  5. Finally, see if your little ones can locate the “Heart Moment” at the bottom right corner of each spread.  Explain that this is their chance to respond to God’s loving word with a prayer. Then read and pray it together.

Kathy:  Thank you for these thoughtful ideas to help children and their caregivers enjoy and see God’s love for them in each story of My Tender Heart Bible.

Molly and I have enjoyed learning all about your newest book, Laura!  Where can our readers get their very own copy of My Tender Heart Bible?

Laura:  My Tender Heart Bible is available wherever books are sold. The publisher has also created a website for the book called That website includes all sorts of fun things like the book trailer and an inspirational video. There’s also a free activity kit you can download.

The website also includes quick and easy links to many of your favorite vendors. And in the super neat department, it’s called My Tender Heart Books because there are more My Tender Heart books in the pipeline!  Next up? My Tender Heart Prayer Book which releases this coming Fall.

Kathy:  How exciting that My Tender Heart Bible is part of a series! And it sounds like there are many fun things on that website! Molly and I love videos and activity kits, so we plan to visit it real soon. Thank you again, Laura, for visiting our blog to tell our readers about My Tender Heart Bible.

Molly sends puppy hugs to Sophie!



Happy Birthday, Christmas Child by Laura Sassi, Interviews by Kathy and Molly

Laura Sassi has been reading and writing stories and poems since she was a child. When she grew up, she became a teacher, and guess what subjects she loved best. That’s right—reading and writing! Her many books share messages of kindness, comfort, and faith with children and their families. Today Molly and I are happy to welcome Laura, along with her cockapoo, Sophie, to tell us all about their newest release, Happy Birthday, Christmas Child, A Counting Nativity Book.

Kathy’s Interview with Laura

First, I’m going to ask Laura to tell us 5 special things about herself. Then Molly and Sophie will woof about Happy Birthday Christmas Child. Translation to human provided, of course!

Kathy: Are you ready, Laura?

Laura: Yes, thank you. 

 Kathy: What is a favorite memory from your childhood?

Laura: Since we are talking about books, I would say one of my favorite memories is reading with my mom when I was the age of the readers of my books. We read aloud together everyday and not just at bedtime. Books were always around and we picked them up and enjoyed them often.

 Kathy: Your Mom gave you a very special treasure, indeed! Do you have a favorite place to read and/or write?

Laura: My favorite summer and fall writing spot is out on my front porch. In fact, that’s where I am writing right now and Sophie is right here beside me, keeping me on task. When the weather turns wintry, I like to sit at my desk in our foyer or in a cozy chair in our living room. 

 Kathy: Writing on your porch or from a cozy chair sounds delightful! Where did you get the idea to write Happy Birthday, Christmas Child?

Laura: The story is inspired by a favorite Christmas verse in the Gospel of Luke that describes Marys soul-filling wonder as the events surrounding the birth of Baby Jesus unfolded. It reads, “But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart” (Luke 2:19, ESV).  Likewise, I hope this simple counting story of the night Jesus was born will encourage littlest readers and their caregivers to slow down and explore and count and marvel on each and every spread. I hope readers will find the story soul-filling and fun in a joyful Christmas way.

Kathy: Slowing down to marvel at the wonder of Christ’s birth is so important, and I think Happy Birthday, Christmas Child will help children do just that! What is a favorite Christmas tradition in your family?

Laura: I asked my daughter to chime in on this one since I couldn’t decide. She said two things: decorating the Christmas tree (which involves much singing and reminiscing) and opening presents all together as a family Christmas morning. I wholeheartedly agree.

Kathy: I enjoy those traditions, too! What do you like best about school visits?

Laura: Oh, my goodness, I love everything about school visits. I used to be a teacher and there’s nothing like interacting with children using  a good book as the conversation spark. But if I had to pick one thing, I would say that my favorite part is the Q&A when we really get to interact.  I’m always impressed by the thoughtful (and sometimes humorous) questions children ask and the insightful observations they make. 

Kathy: As a teacher, I understand—children’s questions are so much fun! Thank you, Laura!

Okay the ball’s in your corner, Molly and Sophie. Go fetch it!

Molly’s Interview with Sophie

Molly: Whenever Kathy writes something, I feel a part of the project. I’m especially good at encouraging her to take breaks. I think it makes her a better writer, so I sit and stare up at her until she takes me for a walk! Sophie, what are some ways you help Laura with her writing?

Sophie: Funny you should ask. Laura recently shared about this on her Facebook Author Page as part of #FridayIntroductions Pet Edition! This is what she said: 

“Meet Sophie, adorable assistant to the author. Sophie enjoys curling up beside the author during work hours. She also enjoys reading, assisting with bookish photo shoots, delivering books to Little Free Libraries and more. Her favorite foods are kibbles and bunny poop (which we were sure she would outgrow, but she hasnt ). Her favorite Laura Sassi book?  Hmmm… not sure but maybe Bunny Finds Easter – because of her dietary tastes? In any event, she is delighted to meet you and hopes you will check out our books!”

Woof, that pretty much sums it up, with one exception. I would say that my new favorite book is actually her newest Happy Birthday Christmas Child because it’s about two of my favorite things:  Jesus and birthdays!

Molly: How about that! I help with bookish photo shoots, too, and Kathy also gets a little upset about some of my dietary choices. It sounds like you know all about Laura’s newest book, Happy Birthday, Christmas Child. Can you tell us about it?

Sophie: Yep, like I said it’s about a very special birthday – Jesus’s! It’s told in counting rhyme.  If you can count to ten, you can help tell the story! If you can’t yet count, this book is a fun way to learn.

 Molly:  I love stories of Jesus’s birthday! Who are some of your favorite characters in the story?

Sophie: Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus are my favorite human characters.  I also love the spiders – all six of them!

 Molly: Wow, six spiders! God’s creatures are so interesting! God has given us dogs great hearing, and we love to listen. Does Laura sometimes read aloud to you and try out rhymes?

Sophie: Yes. I’m one of her most dependable listeners because I am always by her side.

 Molly:  We dogs are also known for our loyalty! How do you let her know when a rhyme is just right?

Sophie: I wag my tail!

 Molly: Well, you must be wagging a lot, because Laura writes such good rhymes! Do you know how to count, Sophie? Puppy kindergarten didn’t teach me, but I think children love to count. What are a few things they’ll count in Happy Birthday, Christmas Child?

Sophie: There are lots of fun things to count in the book.  My favorites are the spiders, the mice and the stars.

 Molly: Spiders and mice and stars, oh my! What fun!  Sophie, I like to use my nose to check out the presents under the Christmas tree. Do you? Kathy says children don’t use their noses as much. Instead, they love to look at pictures and point to things they find. What are some things children will enjoy finding in Happy Birthday, Christmas Child?

Sophie: Spiders, mice, bales of hay, lanterns, stars and so much more! You can catch a glimpse of them in this book trailer:

 Molly: Your book trailer is great! You know, we dogs don’t see as many colors as people, but I bet you still have some favorite illustrations.

Sophie: I love all the illustrations, but here’s one of my favorites.  I love how it shows that even though there was no room at the inn, the stable animals welcomed Mary and Joseph in.  And you know what, I’d welcome them into my dog crate too!

Molly:  I would, too, Sophie! What are Laura’s and your hopes for what children and their families will enjoy learning from Happy Birthday, Christmas Child?

Sophie: Laura already stated this in her part of the interview, but I know what her greatest hope is. It’s that the book will help children and their families pause to count and look and wonder and marvel at the real gift of Christmas —JESUS!

Molly: I know it will, Sophie ! I’ve really enjoyed woofing with you about Happy Birthday, Christmas Child. I love that God sent His son to be born in a stable with lots of creatures like us around. I hope someday we can share a bone. Well . . . maybe we can each have our own. God gave us dogs lots of skills, but sharing is something children do a lot better than us!

Sophie: Woof… it’s okay. I’m on a very strict diet, so I’d be happy to instead share a game. Fetch, perhaps?

Molly: Count me in! I love fetch and you and I are about the same size, so we’d be a good team!

Kathy and Molly: Hugs and woofs to you, Laura and Sophie, for sharing with us about your very special new book, Happy Birthday, Christmas Child, A Counting Nativity Book! Molly and I know children and their families will love sharing its colorful illustrations and beautiful message!

Where You Can Find Happy Birthday, Christmas Child

Kathy and Molly:  Where can our readers buy Happy Birthday, Christmas Child?

Laura and Sophie: It’s available wherever books are sold! If you place a pre-order before October 4th, be sure to visit the book’s landing page at to get your own activity kit that goes with the book!

Kathy and Molly: That’s terrific! Activity kits are so much fun! And, Readers, you can learn lots more about Laura Sassi and all her terrific books on her website, Laura Sassi Tales!

Before You Go

Molly and I have enjoyed learning about all these special children’s books this past month, and we hope you have, too! Our newsletter next week will recap all 6 books, so you can review them all in one place. And we’ll tell you about an amazing museum you won’t want to miss!

So be sure to sign up for our newsletter. You’ll also receive a free guide to 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, with a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit. 

In October we’ll be back to our regular schedule with activities and devotions centered around an art masterpiece. We hope you’ll join us!

You may also visit our website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages, coloring pages for kids, and an updated list of my hands









Bedtime with Daddy by Nancy I. Sanders, Interviews by Kathy and Molly

Little ones love to snuggle with their mommies and daddies before bed, and Nancy I. Sanders’ board book, Bedtime with Daddy, joins her previous board book, Bedtime with Mommy, to help make those times extra special. Prayers and songs, stories and colorful illustrations about animal daddies and their little ones will send children off to sleep, feeling safe and loved.

Molly and I are thrilled to welcome Nancy and her kitties, Sandman and Pitterpat to our blog today!

Nancy and her husband, a retired elementary teacher, live in southern California. Nancy began writing when their sons were young. Today those 2 sons are grown, with families of their own, and Nancy is an award-winning children’s author of more than 100 books!

Kathy’s Interview with Nancy

Kathy: Nancy, let’s find out a little more about you before we let Molly and Sandman and Pitterpat blend their meows and woofs to chat about Bedtime with Daddy. Have you always lived in California?

Nancy: I grew up on a dairy farm in Pennsylvania. I moved out here to California when I was 20. I met my husband, Jeff, here and decided to stay!

Kathy: What a very special reason to stay! What are your favorite things to write about?

Nancy: I love writing about God and Jesus and prayers and Bible facts! Plus, I enjoy writing stories about nature and God’s amazing creation.

Kathy: Your books sure show those loves! What do you enjoy doing when you’re not writing?

Nancy: Right now I’m sewing a Farmer’s Daughter’s patchwork quilt along with one of my sisters. We’re each making our own Christmas quilt but following the same pattern of 111 different quilt blocks! I’m nearly halfway done. I also enjoy gardening and hiking with my husband. And, of course, spending time with grandchildren tops the list!

Kathy: I’ve never heard of that kind of quilt. It sounds amazing! Do you have a favorite place you’ve visited?

Nancy: For our 35th anniversary, Jeff and I took a Jane Austen tour and walked in her footsteps around England from birth to death. It was the dream of a lifetime.

Kathy: What a wonderful trip! What’s your very favorite animal?

Nancy: Cats. And birds. A funny combination, right? Southern California is an amazing place to live in if you like birds. Many migrate here for the winter and end up in our backyard. Others come for the summer. I’m trying to entice swallows to build nests in our eaves!

Molly’s Interview with Sandman and Pitterpat

Okay, Pitterpat and Sandman, Molly has promised she won’t chase you, so we’re looking forward to hearing from you about Bedtime with Daddy.

Molly: I love to lie next to Kathy while she works. And when it’s winter I keep her feet warm because I’m so furry. How do you two help Nancy with her writing?

Sandman and Pitterpat: We’re actually writers, too, so we help Nancy with all sorts of writing advice. We even have our own website with tips and freebies. It’s the cat’s meow! You can visit us at

Molly: Your very own website! I can’t wait to visit it! I also love cuddling with Kathy when she reads books. In this picture of her reading Bedtime with Mommy, I was enjoying the rhymes and prayers. Do you have favorite rhymes and prayers from Bedtime with Daddy?

Pitterpat: I like the seahorse rhyme where the daddy seahorse prays for his baby.

It’s bedtime in the OCEAN.

The water’s dark and deep.

My daddy prays a blessing now.

I settle down to sleep.

“Dear God, pour out Your blessings,” I hear my daddy pray.

“And teach my child to follow You

In every single way.”


Molly: I love seahorses! I think they’re so cool . . . water/cool . . . get it? And such a wonderful prayer for children! What did you think when you saw a lion, one of your wild cousins, on the cover of Bedtime with Daddy?

Sandman: That’s MY favorite! One day I plan to save up money from all the empty tuna fish cans I recycle. My bucket list includes going on a safari in Africa where I meet some of my lion cousins. It will be like a family reunion!

Molly: That will be a reunion to ROAR about! I especially love the penguins. Did you help Nancy choose the animal daddies?

Sandman: Of course! First, I helped her brainstorm the settings to choose the different habitats around the world. I even have a freebie that you can download to help you brainstorm your settings, too! You can download and print it out from this link:

Pitterpat: And I helped her pick the daddies for the different settings. I suggested she choose some of the best daddies around!

Molly: I like that the animal daddies and babies come from 8 different habitats. I think even my thick fur wouldn’t keep me warm in Antarctica. If you could live in a different habitat, which one would you choose?

Sandman: The grasslands in Africa. With my cousins, of course!

Pitterpat: The tundra. I’d love to watch the northern lights each night before I got to bed.

Molly: I think those would be great places to visit! Children sometimes have trouble settling down to sleep. I do, too, especially if there’s thunder. How do you think Bedtime with Daddy will help little ones feel safe and secure?

Pitterpat: Bedtime with Daddy helps remind families to pray, sing songs of praise, and read a Bible verse when they are settling down to sleep. This helps little ones end their day comforted and filled with peace that their heavenly Father is watching over them.

Sandman: Plus, there are lots of snuggles and hugs in this book to remind them their own daddy loves them, too!

Molly: We’ve been reading Bedtime with Daddy and I get snuggles and hugs before bed! So much fun! I’ve enjoyed chatting with you, Sandman and Pitterpat! I feel like I’ve made some new friends that have changed my opinion of cats! If you’re ever in Colorado, we should hang out!

Sandman and Pitterpat: We’ll bring some doggie treats to share! We’ll ask Lira, our neighborhood corgi, to give us some of hers to bring along.

Kathy: Molly, I’m so proud of how well you and Sandman and Pitterpat got along! Thank you, Nancy, Sandman, and Pitterpat, for sharing with us about Bedtime with Daddy. It’s such a sweet companion book to Bedtime with Mommy, and we know it will help daddies and their little ones have lots of snuggly good times before bed!

Where You Can Get Bedtime With Daddy

Kathy: Nancy, would you tell us where we can learn more about you and find Bedtime with Daddy and Bedtime with Mommy, too?

Nancy: So many folks tell me they like to order batches of these little books. They’re perfect for baby showers, neighborhood new baby gifts, Christmas gifts, and for sharing in your local Little Free Libraries, too!

You can order in both books from your favorite local or online bookstore. Or you can order directly from the publisher (End Game Press often has amazing deals!) at

You can learn more about Bedtime with Daddy and Bedtime with Mommy at my website at:

Follow me on your favorite social media sites under Nancy I. Sanders and follow my blog for children’s writers at:

Kathy: those are such good resources and ways to enjoy Bedtime with Daddy! Thank you, Nancy, Pitterpat, and Sandman for visiting with us today!

Before You Go

If you’d like more activity ideas from Molly and me for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free guide to 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, with a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit. This month we return to our school-year format of lots of resources for all those who love to help children discover how much fun learning can be!

You may also visit my website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages, coloring pages for kids, and an updated list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.








Roxie the Traveling Rocker, by Becky Van Vleet, Interviews by Kathy and Molly

Do you have favorite family stories or treasures handed down from your parents, grandparents, or even great grandparents? Becky Van Vleet has a passion to create and preserve family memories and traditions as well as share family stories. In her traveling series of picture books, Becky has done just that, first with a little skirt, then a harmonica, and now a rocking chair in Roxie, the Traveling Rocker.

Becky is a retired teacher/principal, and she and her husband live in Colorado Springs. She was inspired to write her first book, Talitha, the Traveling Skirt, because a little plaid skirt had been traveling around in her family for three generations. That’s more than 70 years!

Kathy’s Interview with Becky

Kathy: So, Becky, are you ready to answer a few questions before we let Molly take over to interview Roxie herself?

Becky: Yes, Kathy. You first, then Molly!

Kathy: What were some of your favorite books as a child?

Becky: My absolute favorite books as a child were the Henry Huggins series by Beverly Cleary. I still have my Henry Huggins book I bought with my allowance money in my home today.

Kathy: How special that you still have that book! I loved Beverly Cleary’s books, too! What do you enjoy most about writing for children?

Becky: I like to write a book that will take children places in their imaginations. I want them to feel like they are right in the story.

Kathy: Well, I know they’ll feel part of your traveling series of stories! What was your favorite subject when you were in school?

Becky: No surprise here—it was reading!

Kathy: Mine, too. What else do you like to do for fun?

Becky: In this golden season of my life, I like to travel to places I’ve never been before, sometimes right in my city.

Kathy: You have several grandchildren. What is your favorite thing to do with them?

Becky: Oh, it’s hard to name one thing. We enjoy making caves and hideouts with blankets and flashlights and playing together outside. But reading books to my grandchildren is certainly at the top of the list!

Molly’s Interview with Roxie

Okay, Molly and Roxie, rock on!






Molly:  What was it like to ride home from the store in an old pickup truck?

Roxie: It was a bumpy ride, but very exciting.

Molly: I bet you were especially excited to arrive at the farm. I’d love to live on a farm and chase chickens and dig in the mud with the pigs. What was your favorite thing to do?

Roxie: The best thing ever was to rock and read with my children that I lived with.

Molly: That does sound like fun. Did you always stay on the farm?

Roxie: No. I traveled with my children to a small town, then to a large city, and my last place to travel to was a school. And I’m still at that school, rocking and reading with hundreds of children!

Molly:  Wow, a whole school of readers! I’m not very old, but I’ve seen that children grow bigger pretty fast. One little boy in our family shot up several inches in one year and his legs outgrew his pants. Did your children ever outgrow you, Roxie?

Roxie: No, when Mary and Sue and JD got bigger, I got bigger too, just like magic!

Molly:  Hmm, I wonder if that would work on my short corgi legs.

Roxie: Molly, with great imagination, I think you could have the magic too.

Molly:  I’ll have work on my imagination skills. But it sounds like fun. I had a doggie sister named Amber, who used to love when children read to her. And I have other doggie friends who go to schools and libraries to help children read. Do you think when your children read to you that it helped them learn to read and love books?

Roxie: Oh, yes, most definitely. Great question, Molly!

Molly: Thank you, Roxie, for telling me about your adventures. I hear there’s a surprise for you in your last home. I love surprises, especially special treats, like cheerios, cheese, bacon . . . Oh wait, I guess rockers don’t eat, but I sure hope your surprise is special, too!

Roxie: In my last home, the school, you would not believe my surprise. JD sat me in the corner of his classroom so I could rock and read with hundreds of children all the time!

Kathy: Thank you, Becky and Roxie, for sharing with us about this newest book in your traveling series! We know children will love reading Roxie, the Traveling Rocker and enjoying the super cute illustrations by Courtney Smith. You ladies rock!

Where You Can Find Roxie the Traveling Rocker and Help Libraries and Schools

Kathy: Becky, one last thing before you and Roxie go. Can you tell us where we can find Roxie, the Traveling Rocker, and your other books, Harvey, the Traveling Harmonica, and Talitha, the Traveling Skirt?

Becky: You can purchase all the children’s picture books in my “traveling” series at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I’d love for you to check it out. But, Molly, there’s one more thing—guess what? If you go to my website and click on the tab, “Just for Fun”, you can fill out a form to request one of my books to be donated to your school or preschool. I love to donate books!

Molly: Bow WOW! That sounds like a great way to help out libraries and schools!

More about Becky: Becky Van Vleet is a retired teacher and principal. She and her husband make their home near Colorado Springs, where Becky enjoys oil painting, gardening, eating cotton candy, and hiking and biking in the great outdoors. Becky relishes spending time with her family and especially reading books to her grandchildren. Her website is devoted to creating and preserving family memories while connecting generations.

Before You Go

If you’d like more activity ideas from Molly and me for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free guide to 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, with a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit. This month we return to our school-year format of lots of resources for all those who love to help children discover how much fun learning can be!

You may also visit our website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages, coloring pages for kids, and an updated list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.




Review of Baby’s First Friend and Rocking Chair Rhymes, a Zuggy the Rescue Pug Flip Book by Jean Alfieri

Jean Alfieri loves all dogs. Older dogs and puppies. Dogs with pointy ears and dogs with floppy ears! Dogs with long, bushy tails and dogs with short, curly tails! She loves dogs so much that Jean began volunteering at the Humane Society, and now works there full-time helping animals find forever homes.

But sometimes one dog takes up an extra special spot in our hearts. For Jean, that one was Zuggy, a little rescue pug, who became Jean’s constant companion and the inspiration for the Zuggy, the Rescue Pug stories.

Jean turned some of the fun experiences she and Zuggy shared into 7 picture books.

Today Molly and I are happy to welcome Jean and Zuggy’s younger sister, Princess Zoey, to our blog to tell us about their latest Zuggy book.

First, I’ll ask Jean to tell us 5 special things about herself, and then we’ll let Molly and Princess Zoey take over to have a good tail-wagging time telling us about Zuggy the Rescue Pug—Baby’s First Friend and Rocking Chair Rhymes. Oh wait, pugs and corgis don’t have very big tails, so it’s more like a tail-wiggle!

Kathy’s Interview with Jean

Kathy: Are you ready Jean?

 Kathy: Did you have a dog when you were a child?

Jean: Yes. I grew up with a beautiful red Doberman, named Rumble. He came to our home as a pup when I was seven years old and grew to a 105-pound bemouth of a dog.

 Kathy: Wow, that is a large dog, and one with an unusual name, too! How many fur buddies do you have now?

Jean: My husband and I care for three vintage puppies: Reggie, our 6-pound toothless chihuahua. Don’t let his small size fool you. He’ll always be the biggest dog in the house and turns 16 years young this month. Princess Zoey, our precious 12-year-old blind pug who stars as Zuggy’s little sister. And Silly Sally, our 10-year old Airedale, who has her own claim-to-fame as a former show-dog.

 Kathy:  Such a great variety—I’m sure they keep you busy! What’s one of the funniest experiences you and Zuggy had?

Jean: It was that time Zuggy got an unpleasant surprise when he rambled off the sidewalk during one of our walks. It was an early January morning. The sun was out but a thin layer of snow had fallen overnight, so we could see our breath. Zuggy tugged on his leash, barreling off the sidewalk and stepped directly into a big dog-poop. Just slightly frozen, his back paw slid in, and the stinky poop glommed on. The embarrassing story (and its funny conclusion) is captured in Zuggy’s “Six Tales” book.

 Kathy: Yikes, that is embarrassing! Let’s move right on to Zuggy’s favorite toys and treats.

Jean: He and Princess Zoey have very similar snack preferences. You’d better be willing to share your popcorn, and don’t try to take the hedgehog away!

 Kathy: Hedgehog toys are precious here, too. Do you and Princess Zoey have a favorite place to read and/or write?

Jean: Yes – the office couch. It sits right in front of a window that looks over our front yard. Reggie sits on a pillow atop the couch, surveying his domain and barks at everyone who comes to pick up mail from the community mailbox. Silly Sally lays on the floor, while Princess Zoey curls up on either end of the couch (her choice, and it varies). I get comfy on the opposite side with a book (preferably hard cover) or my notebook (yes, I still like longhand) and get to it … while she snores!

Molly’s Interview with Princess Zoey

 Kathy: Okay, Molly and Princess Zoey, take it away!

Molly: (after bowing) Thank you, Your Highness, for graciously meeting with me. I’m a rescue corgi, but some of my relatives live in Buckingham Palace in London, so I know how to talk to princesses!

Princess Zoey: Ooooo-la-la. Wait, that’s French. I love pizza. Errr, umm. That’s Italian. I’m sorry. I don’t know ‘princess.’ Let’s just doggie-talk!

Molly: Doggie-talk sounds good to me! Can you tell us about your newest book about Zuggy? Kathy told me it’s a flip book. How do Baby’s First Friend and Rocking Chair Rhymes works as a flip book?

Princess Zoey: Sure thing! When Momma-Jean read it to me, she started with Baby’s First Friend. I was worried it wouldn’t have a happy ending, but it did! Then she closed the book, gave me a kiss on the top of my head, and flipped the book over and upside down. Just like magic – it was a whole different book! (Don’t tell, but I think the trick was the kiss on my head!)

 Molly: It sounds like Baby really loves Zuggy at first. But something happens. Can you tell us a little about that? 

Princess Zoey: I don’t know, Molly. Sometimes family dynamics (that means, how we all get along) can be hard. I’m still not sure why she was a-scared of Zuggy, but I’m so glad they worked it out.

Molly: I’m glad, too! I love being around my family, and they help me when I’m afraid of storms or strangers. Does Baby have someone to help her when she’s afraid?

Princess Zoey:  Yes, baby always has the love and support of her family. We all get afraid sometimes. It’s good to have people (and pups) that offer us comfort.

 Molly: Pups are the best! Is Baby’s First Friend told in rhyme like other Zuggy books? And Rocking Chair Rhymes has lots of fun poems, too, right?

Princess Zoey: Yes – and Yes. So many fun poems! And remember, you and I are offering a FREE copy to whoever wins our raffle because we want everyone to enjoy it.

 Molly: A free copy? Wow, that’s even better than a doggy biscuit . . .ummm . . . er . . . well, I guess that’s true for our readers! Do you like to help Jean write rhymes? I bet you snuggle while she reads them aloud to you.

Princess Zoey: To be honest, I’m pretty much stretched-out napping while she works. But I’m quick with the constructive feedback when she’s at the ‘read-aloud’ stage. And I’m always there to help when she needs a snack!

 Molly: For us dogs, books don’t have much to smell, but children like pictures. Which pictures do you think children and their families will like the most? Which ones would have the best smells?

 Princess Zoey: This one of Zuggy in a bunny-costume! It’s a classic, for sure. And the one with the pug (who shall remain nameless) getting a kiss on the lips by a frog. Ewwww – can’t you just smell that!


Molly: Ewwww, is right! What do you and Jean hope children will enjoy the most about your new book?

Princess Zoey: The “flip” feature is really so super-great. You have to check it out. (But remember to kiss the top of my head before you try to make it work!)

 Molly: Do you think it’ll work if children kiss the top of their dog’s heads? One last question that I’ve been dying to ask you. I’ve always wondered about the curly tail pugs have. Do you have to curl it each day when you get up?

Princess Zoey: It’s really more effort than you’d expect. When I’m sad it unfurls into an unremarkable long, straight tail. I can’t do a thing with it. But when I’m happy (which is most of the time) it zings right into place. Don’t even need to think about it!

 Molly: What a great tail–it tells your moods! Thank you so much for joining me today, Princess Zoey! I think we should get together to play sometime! But we should probably bring our own hedgehog toys! PAWS-atively. I’d love to!

 Kathy and Molly: Lots of tail-wiggling thanks to you, Jean and Princess Zoey, for telling us about your new Zuggy the Rescue Pug book–Baby’s First Friend and Rocking Chair Rhymes! Molly and I know children and their families will love finding out how Zuggy and Baby become friends again!

A Giveaway and Where to Find Jean and Zuggy’s books

Kathy: How can readers enter the giveaway for a copy of Baby’s First Friend and Rocking Chair Rhymes?

Jean: Enter our raffle to win a copy of Zuggy’s new book by answering this question:

Zuggy’s favorite breakfast is doggie donuts and pupacinos! What is YOUR favorite breakfast?

Answers from either pets OR hoomans are welcome!

One answer per household. Reply (in the comments) or via email: by midnight on September 17, 2022 and be entered in a raffle. Winning name selected and announced on September 18, 2022 and contacted via messenger or email. Will mail within the continental US.

Prefer Kindle reading? The new Zuggy book is FREE to kindleUnlimited users! Check it out on Amazon. (Zuggy the Rescue Pug – Baby’s First Friend: Rocking Chair Rhymes – Kindle edition by Alfieri, Jean. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

You can also learn more about Jean, Zuggy, and their books on their website here.

Before You Go

If you’d like more activity ideas for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free guide to 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, with a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit. This month we return to our school-year format of lots of resources for all those who love to help children discover how much fun learning can be!

You may also visit my website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages, coloring pages for kids, and an updated list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.





Interview with Glenys Nellist and Little Mole from Little Mole Goes to School

Hello, Glenys and Little Mole! Molly, my artsy corgi, and I are so glad to welcome you to our blog today. We’d like to get to know you a little bit, Glenys, and then Molly will take over to talk with Little Mole about your newest picture book, Little Mole Goes to School!

Interview with Glenys

Author, Glenys Nellist

Kathy: Glenys, could you tell us a little about yourself and how you began writing.

Glenys: Thanks so much for chatting with me, Kathy. I’m excited to be here. I’ve always loved to write but it wasn’t until I worked as a Children’s Ministry Director in a small church that the door into the publishing world opened for me. Since curriculum was expensive, I decided to write my own. In rewriting the great stories of the Bible, I just found myself falling in love with the creative process, and how there’s always a new way to tell the old, old stories.

Kathy: It’s so wonderful how God gives each one of us creative gifts. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?

Glenys: I was a real tomboy when I was young! I loved to climb trees and bounce around on my pogo stick, but I also loved to read.

Kathy: Climbing trees and bouncing on a pogo stick sound like fun! What were some of your favorite childhood books?

Glenys:  I imagine that most of your American audience might not have heard of these books, but my absolute favorite stories as a child were called The Famous Five, or The Secret Seven, written by the prolific Enid Blyton. They were adventure stories, and the children in the books always had mysteries to solve. A good writer will draw you into the story so that you feel like you’re part of the tale. I vividly remember joining those characters on their adventures and devouring every book in those series (of which there were many!)

Kathy: Those stories sound exciting! What do you like to do for fun?

Glenys: My husband (who is a pastor) built a small wooden houseboat that we enjoy floating around in (and sometimes living on) during the summer. It’s also my favorite place to write. When I’m not on the houseboat though, I love to spend time with my four young grandchildren.

Glenys and her husband on their houseboat

Kathy: That’s so special that you sometimes live and write on a houseboat! What is something not too many people know about you?

Glenys:  Unless you’ve heard me speak, most people don’t know that although I live in Michigan, I was born and raised in a little town in northern England, and even though I’ve lived here for twenty years, I still call England home.

The Inspiration for The Little Mole Books

Kathy: Molly and I understand how important home is! Little Mole Goes to School is the third book in a series. Little Mole is such an adorable character. Where did you get the idea for the stories about him?

Glenys: The inspiration for the first title in the series came from a book of Bible stories I was writing, where I explored the idea that hope is hiding, even in the darkest place. In taking that idea a little further, I was inspired to write my first fiction story about an animal character who lived in the dark, and who was able to find hope. That idea became the premise of Little Mole Finds Hope, where Little Mole and his mama go on a walk together and discover that hope is everywhere, if you know here to look. The second book, Little Mole’s Christmas Gift, is a simple story of kindness and finally, Little Mole Goes to School celebrates our unique gifts and using them for the common good.

I know, Molly. Hang on. It’s almost time for you! One last question for Glenys:

Kathy: Oh, Molly and I like how Little Mole and his mama discover hope everywhere, and we’ll look forward to reading both of those books! That’s so important for children and adults to remember. And that leads me to this question, Glenys. In each of the three books Little Mole has concerns and fears just like children everywhere. I love that in each book you’ve ended with discussion questions and helps for caregivers. What further suggestions do you have for parents or grandparents to help children with their concerns?

Glenys:  The publisher of the Little Mole series, Beaming Books, has a plethora of useful discussion guides on their website. That’s a great place for caregivers to find resources.

Kathy:That will be such a help to caregivers! Okay, Molly. I know you and Little Mole are getting impatient to talk, so it’s your turn!

Molly and Little Mole Talk Together

Molly: I don’t know much about moles. What kind of house do you live in?

Little Mole: A lovely one, under the ground. It has different rooms inside, my favorite of which is the kitchen, where I have a huge stack of worms piled up for my lunch.

Molly: I like the kitchen, too. Lots of treats there! But I prefer cheese to worms! Outside my house is my fenced-in yard.

Molly in her yard

I love to bark at dogs who go by. What’s outside your house, and what do you enjoy doing there?

Little Mole: Outside my house is a lovely wood where I dig lots of tunnels, hunt for worms and play with my friends.

Little Mole in the Woods

Molly: Digging tunnels sounds like so much fun! I once had a golden retriever friend named Amber. Who are your friends?

Little Mole: My friends are Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Lark. You can meet them in my new book!

Molly: My friends and I like to chase balls and each other. What do you and your friends like to do?

Little Mole: We like to chase each other too!

Molly: How about that! I think many children like chasing games, too, like tag! When I was younger, I went to puppy kindergarten. I was pretty scared at first. I wondered if I could learn to sit and come. I’m pretty good at those now, but, as you saw, I’m still trying to learn more patience! Was there anything that you worried about learning in your school?

Little Mole: I was worried about everything! But Mrs. Badger is a great teacher, and Little Lark helped me learn my ABCs.

Molly:  My human, Kathy, stayed with me and helped me when I was afraid. What helped you get over your fears about school?

Little Mole: Well, it helped that I had a great first day, because once I got over that hurdle, I knew that I’d be fine. I didn’t think I was good at anything, but on the very first day, I used what I’m good at to help my friends out! (You’ll have to read the book to find out what happened!)  But you can go here for short videos about my books.

Where You Can Learn more about Glenys and all three Little Mole Books AND a Free Activity Pack

Kathy: Glenys, where can readers learn more about you and your upcoming projects?

Glenys: You can learn all about me at my website:

Kathy: And where can readers find your books?

Glenys: You can visit my Amazon Author page here, or find my titles wherever good books are sold.

Kathy: Glenys, you and Little Mole also have a colorful activity pack to download. Would you tell our readers a little bit about that?

Glenys:  The free download contains colorings, a maze, fun activity sheets, games, and tips for helping a child learn the alphabet.

Kathy: Thank you, Glenys, for telling us a little about yourself and your writing.

Thanks to Molly and Little Mole, too, for talking with us about friendships and school. Those are super important to all our readers and we know they’ll enjoy Little Mole Goes to School!

Before You Go

This was such a great interview about Glenys and Little Mole! And Molly and I hope you’ll come back next week for another fantastic interview and picture book review by Molly the Artsy Corgi and me! Sign up for our blogs above.

You may also be interested in a children’s devotion I wrote for DevoKids this month. DevoKids is part of Christian Devotions Ministries. Here’s link to  “Little Flowers with Super Powers.”

If you’d like more activity ideas for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free guide to 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, with a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit. This month we return to our school-year format of lots of resources for all those who love to help children discover how much fun learning can be!

Visit my website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages, coloring pages for kids, and an updated list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.


Review of Ribbit! The Truth about Frogs, by Annette Whipple

Children love to learn about the wonders of this world and its creatures. And Annette Whipple, loves to research and write about those creatures. Her Truth About series pairs fascinating facts about animals with colorful, up-close photos. The series includes Whooo Knew, the Truth About Owls; Woof, the Truth About Dogs; and Scurry, the Truth About Spiders. Ribbit, the Truth about Frogs, Annette’s most recent book, has now joined the series to the delight of children and adults.

This is the first of Molly’s and my book reviews of 6 books for children! Starting today and going through September Molly and I will be interviewing authors and reviewing some fantastic children’s books that have just come out or will be released soon!

So let’s get started with a wonderful nonfiction book. Annette Whipple’s Ribbit! The Truth about Frogs.

Here’s a peek Annette gave Molly and me into her research for Ribbit:

Kathy and Molly: What were some amazing and interesting things you learned about frogs as you researched for Ribbit?

Annette: The most surprising thing I learned is that all toads ARE frogs. I grew up thinking they were similar but different animals. Scientists classify animals in related groups. There are 54 families in the frog group, and toads are one of them!

It’s hard to choose the most interesting thing I learned. Did you know blinking helps frogs swallow food? Frogs’ eyes push food down to their stomachs!

Kathy and Molly: Wow, we did not know toads are frogs and our eyes are bulging just thinking about trying to push food down that way! Did anything funny happen as you did field research?

Annette: Nothing amusing really happened while I was doing field research alongside my expert. However, it was amazing to come upon a small pond of water with tons of quacking without a duck in sight. It was mating season for wood frogs. They quack! At my own home an American toad visited while I was researching and writing about frogs. He reminded me of one of their favorite defenses against predators–he peed on me! It’s good to remember they do this so you don’t drop a frog when holding it.

Kathy and Molly: Quacking frogs and peeing toads, oh my! Molly’s ears and nose are twitching with curiosity! Do you now have a favorite frog?

Annette: I think frogs are amazing creatures! I think my favorite frog is whichever one I can get up close and personal to. In my backyard that’s typically an American toad. But I love whichever froggy friends I can find!

Kathy and Molly: I can tell you really enjoyed the research for the Truth About series. No wonder children (and adults) love them!

What Children Will Like about Ribbit and the other Truth About Books

The cover of each book in the series has an attention-getting, up-close photo of the animal and its eyes—the fierce eyes of an owl, the dark, melting eyes of a puppy, the many eyes of a hairy spider, and now the big, bulging eyes of a frog!

The question-and-answer format paired with more amazing photos holds a child’s interest throughout. Like the other Truth About books, Ribbit! is the type of book some children will choose to read straight through, while others will dip into pages or photos that especially grab their attention.

Sidebars called Leaping Legs give more information in a humorous way children will love.

Whether children leap in here and there or dive in, they’ll soak up more than just basic facts. For example, though many children know frog eggs turn into tadpoles before becoming frogs, Ribbit helps them discover that some frog mamas actually carry their eggs on their backs until they hatch and are ready to slide off into a pond.

Find Fascinating Photos and Funky Facts on Every Page

Here are some examples of page spreads:

  • How Do Frogs Eat?
  • What Sounds Do Frogs Make?
  • Why Don’t Frogs Freeze to Death?

And there’s toad-aly more!

  • Frogs vs. toads
  • Fact or fiction about frogs
  • How to find and see frogs
  • DIY toad house to build
  • Free frog teacher guide with STEM and ELA activities for school or home.

How I Use the Truth About Books in My Classroom

I’m an art teacher, and I enjoy adding the A to turn the Truth About books into STEAM books, too! In art we teach children (and adults, too) that taking the time to look carefully is the way to learn to draw. So when Whooo Knew, The Truth About Owls came out, I knew it would be perfect for the art room.

To interest and prepare my third graders to make owl collages, I first asked them questions about owls as Annette does in her books. Then I read some of the surprising answers and showed the up-close photos. The page about what owls eat and the photo of the owl swallowing a mouse hooked them, and they pored over facts and photos as we worked on their collages. Those owl collages won rave reviews on Grandparent’s Day!

This year I’m introducing a mixed media art project with a 3-D spider to my first graders. I plan to pair Annette’s Scurry! Truth About Spiders book with Eric Carle’s The Very Busy Spider to help them learn more about color and line. I’m working on an idea to use Ribbit! The Truth about Frogs with the lily pond paintings we do of Monet’s garden.

Soon Meow! The Truth about Cats will be out and will join our art room collection. I know those cats will leap into my student’s hearts to help them draw cats to sit on their woven mats project.

All so much fun, but I especially like Annette Whipple’s books because children clearly see the wonder and variety of creatures in the world and all the special ways God has made them for survival in their environments.

Here’s a special bonus Annette has prepared to go with Ribbit: a frog teacher guide, which is downloadable from her website. It includes 19 reading, writing, and STEM activities!

And There’s More:

Parts of this blog first appeared on Write2Ignite. I’m honored to be part of this group that seeks to encourage, inspire, and educate Christians who desire to write for children and young adults. You can go here to learn more about the Write2Ignite and its many resources, including

a virtual  master class taught by Annette  on Writing Nonfiction Books for Children and Teens on September 10.

Before You Go

You may also be interested in a children’s devotion I wrote for DevoKids this month. DevoKids is part of Christian Devotions Ministries. Here’s link to  “Little Flowers with Super Powers.”

If you’d like more activity ideas for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free guide to 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, with a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit. This month we return to our school-year format of lots of resources for all those who love to help children discover how much fun learning can be!

Visit my website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages, coloring pages for kids, and an updated list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.

Molly and I can’t wait to add Ribbit to our book shelf!

Stay tuned for an upcoming newsletter and an interview and review of a sweet back-to-school picture book!