Twisty and True Tails of a Shelter Dog Matchmaker by Jean Alfieri

Molly and I would like to welcome Jean Alfieri back to our blog today. We have loved getting to know her and telling you about her children’s book series about Zuggy the Pug. Today we’ll talk to Jean about the work she does at the Humane Society to help dogs find forever homes and a heartwarming book she’s written about it.

Welcome Jean! We love this picture of you surrounded by your pooches! How did you become interested in volunteering at the Humane Society? And what are some of the jobs you’ve had there?

Jean:  I really admire the service the Humane Society provides to our community, and I love animals, so it was a natural fit. I was a volunteer matchmaker (introducing people to dogs they wanted to adopt) and a rescue ranger (transporting animals from shelter to shelter). When I visit schools, it’s the rescue ranger deployments that capture the kids’ imagination.

Kathy and Molly: Molly would have liked to be a rescue ranger, too! This book is different from the stories about Zuggy. Can you tell us how it came about?

Jean:  “Twisty and True Tails of a Shelter Dog Matchmaker,” is an inspirational non-fiction book about displaced dogs who took the windy road instead of the straight path to happiness. It includes twelve short stories about my work at the Humane Society and of our adopted dogs.

Having been a dog-mom for many years, I discovered a trend related to my work and our pups in my prayer journal and decided to share some of the best stories. The common theme is the many ways God meets us – in the lives of our pets, even in our smallest needs.

Kathy and Molly: Isn’t it wonderful how God meets our needs! Molly would love to hear a little about the dogs you have rescued.

Jean:  Our current pack of vintage pups includes our 17-year-old, six-pound, toothless-terror, Reggie. He’s our charmingly aggressive chihuahua. Then there’s our always-adorable 13-year-old blind pug, Princess Zoey, and our 11-year-old retired show-dog, Silly Sally. She’s an Airedale Terrier. Our most recent adoption and baby of the family is a handsome hospice pug: 10-year-old, Morty. Though his condition is chronic, he’s doing well and finds a new way to make us laugh every day.

Kathy and Molly: Wow, they sound like a lot of fun, and each one so individual! Molly was a rescue dog, so she loves these heartwarming stories of dogs finding their forever homes. Do you have a favorite?

Jean:  They’re all very different but each one makes me smile. I’d love to know your favorite –

Kathy and Molly: You captured Molly and me right at the beginning with Rover, the 9-month-old German shepherd. How amazing was it that just the right person who knew all about German Shepherds wanted to adopt him. Not so amazing, though, for God! We also laughed through the story of Dean, the screaming chihuahua!

Molly and I also enjoyed the quotes and the Bible verses. How might readers use these for encouragement and meditation?

Jean:  Thank you. 😊 I just created a book club question guide. It’s a great way to start small group discussions or prompt your own reflection. I’d be delighted to provide it to anyone or to assist in leading a six-week program for a women’s ministry group. Just reach out!

Kathy and Molly: That sounds like a wonderful idea! Do you have any advice for families who want to adopt a rescue dog?

Jean:  It’s always worthwhile to do some research on the breeds that may be best for your current lifestyle. And remember to take it slow. It’s hard for an animal to transition from whatever they knew, to a shelter environment, and then into a new home. It’s all very exciting, frightening, hopeful, and scary. Please be patient and loving.

Kathy and Molly:  That’s great advice. Molly remembers when we adopted her that patience was super important. Are there any ways our readers can help with the work of the Humane Society?

Jean:  We are regularly looking for volunteers to help in-shelter and/or with special events. From dog-walkers to doing laundry, there’s no shortage of work. You can find out more and apply at:

Kathy and Molly: Those are great ways to help! Where can our readers go to get a copy of “Twisty and True Tails of a Shelter Dog Matchmaker,” and see your many other wonderful books?

Jean:  The picture and activity books for kids, the guided journals, and my newest release: “Twisty and True Tails of a Shelter Dog Matchmaker,” are available on Amazon and can be found on my website:

Be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter, too, for fun ways to stay connected and win free books! I also love speaking engagements, whether for women’s groups or grade school visits. We offer in-person and remote programs.

Thank you, Kathy – for allowing me to connect with your audience. It’s an honor.

Thank you, Jean, for sharing these stories of dogs finding their forever homes! We loved your new book and having you on our blog!

Pictures of Molly the Artsy Corgi soon after we adopted her

Molly still wasn’t sure she could trust us and sometimes hid under our bed!But she soon learned to love us and her toys!


Before You Go

If you’d like more activity ideas for art, history, and nature, curriculum connections, and links to more resources, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free guide, 5 Ways Art Benefits Children’s Cognitive, Physical, Spiritual, and Social Development, You’ll also get a Few Fun and Easy Activities for each Benefit.

Visit Molly’s and my website where you’ll find free downloadable puzzles, how-to-draw pages and coloring pages for kids and an updated list of my hands-on workshops, chapels, and presentations for all ages.



19 thoughts on “Twisty and True Tails of a Shelter Dog Matchmaker by Jean Alfieri

  1. Becky Van Vleet

    Hi Kathy and Jean! You just gotta know I love the Zuggy books for sure. And I really enjoyed reading Twisty and True Tails. Jean, you are such a gifted and creative writer. Keep up the good work!


  2. carolbaldwin

    Being a rescue dog mom and a volunteer is a BIG commitment. The love for your pets and God’s animals comes through, Jean!


    1. Jean Marie Alfieri

      Thank you, Carol – and thanks for being a volunteer and rescue dog mom, too. Your work is so important to those displaced pets and our community.


    1. Kathy O'Neill Post author

      Hi Cindy! Jean is definitely a pet-rescue heroine,and her stories are so heartwarming!I know how much you love animals, too, and enjoy the pictures you take of birds and sea lions, goats and burros, and rescued raptors!That keeps the needs of these creatures alive in our hearts!


  3. CandyceCarden

    Kathy, I love these creative interviews of authors by you and Molly. They are entertaining and interesting! Jean, Thank you for your work with the Humane Society.


    1. Jean Marie Alfieri

      It’s my pleasure. And yes, Kathy’s care and thoughtfulness makes these interviews so unique and fun.


  4. Katherine Pasour

    Kathy and Jean, I enjoyed learning more about Jean and your work at the Humane Society. It’s an important and much needed organization and I’m grateful for your service. Our family has had several adopted pets and they’ve all been wonderful.


  5. JD Wininger

    I so love reading about Zuggy and his pals. Thank you for sharing Ms. Jean’s book Ms. Kathy. God’s blessings, ladies.



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